Monday, 30 June 2014

Papua Staple Foods

Papeda / sago powder

When you visit a particular area, then you certainly want to enjoy the typical regional food. Staple food of people who live in Wamena, Papua ( Baliem Valley tribe, and Dani) is "Ifere" or also known as "petatas", derived from tubers.

This time I will tell the staple food of people of Papua, which is made from sago and called Papeda. What and how to make Papeda? Sago flour comes from the flip-flops as she poured boiling water until dough is formed together, such as "cotton candy" and ready to eat.

Papeda eaten with yellow fish sauce (fish cooked with a sauce of yellow). Actually that makes a delicious fish soup, because Papeda itself as well as replacement of rice, eaten with lauknya. How to take Papeda use chopsticks held by both hands, rotated rapidly so as to resemble the roll, cut off from the existing Papeda dimangkok, then poured in a dish, and given a yellow fish sauce. For people who are used, how to eat them as people ate chicken porridge, can directly diseruput. But for people outside Papua, it is advisable to take out Papeda just a little, given the direct yellow fish sauce, driven and immediately be swallowed without chewing.

"Why?", I asked a friend from Papua. "Because the mother was not used, and so as not to upset stomach, because that is used for sago sago Papeda is still no mixing, it smells pretty stinging, brown," said my friend from Papua.

I told him that I got a tip from a friend of Papua earlier, a friend who came from Denpasar. But he said ... "Ah, this is my second time eating Papeda", he said. Yes, she really enjoyed Papeda, skillfully hand rolled dough Papeda with chopsticks in his hands, and immediately pour into plate. He also laughed at me because of awkward, and can not take Papeda with chopsticks. Furthermore, he ate with gusto, as has been accustomed to eating Papeda repeatedly. I asked ... "Delicious?", She nodded. Begin I try, I dipiring Papeda existing small rolls, then given a spoonful of fish sauce, and directly digelontorkan kemulut without chewing. Hmm .. sagunya Sedaap ... but the smell was a bit stung.
I did not dare to eat a lot, scared her stomach was shocked, so I took the plate again, and eat rice with lauknya. What happened? Tomorrow morning my friend was complaining stomach ache, back and forth and back, maybe his stomach was shocked. Thankfully there was not anything.
For those of you who have never enjoyed Papeda, should follow the advice of my friends from Papua. Begin to start eating little by little, mixed with fish sauce, directly digelontorkan kemulut without being swallowed. Later if it has been accustomed, and the stomach was not surprised anymore, then eat using chopsticks and diseruput.
The Recipe:


100 gr sago flour farm
1000 cc water
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
1 / 2 teaspoon sugar


1. Melt the sago flour with 300 cc of water, place in saucepan
2. Add salt and sugar
3. Boil the remaining water (700 cc)
4. Pour boiling water into a pot which had contained solution ... stirring so that sago sago cooked evenly.
5. If still not able to mature dijerang flat in a very small flame, stirring constantly.
6. Sago is said to have cooked if it has a clear all ... if there is still milky white .. who is not yet ripe.
7. The appearance is similar to sago glue made from starch ... or ongol2, only ongol2 brown (because given a red sugar).

How to eat sago:

. Papeda presented in a concave dish (can use bowls, but in the homelands are presented on a plate concave).
. Place the fish into the sauce to taste these dishes, then take sago and input into the plate.
. Papeda fish sauce is ready to enjoy.
. Papeda delicious when eaten in hot conditions (because there is a sense of acid).

Papeda/sago powder

When you visit a particular area, then you certainly want to enjoy the typical regional food. Staple food of people who live in Wamena, Papua ( Baliem Valley tribe, and Dani) is "Ifere" or also known as "petatas", derived from tubers.

This time I will tell the staple food of people of Papua, which is made from sago and called Papeda. What and how to make Papeda? Sago flour comes from the flip-flops as she poured boiling water until dough is formed together, such as "cotton candy" and ready to eat.

Papeda eaten with yellow fish sauce (fish cooked with a sauce of yellow). Actually that makes a delicious fish soup, because Papeda itself as well as replacement of rice, eaten with lauknya. How to take Papeda use chopsticks held by both hands, rotated rapidly so as to resemble the roll, cut off from the existing Papeda dimangkok, then poured in a dish, and given a yellow fish sauce. For people who are used, how to eat them as people ate chicken porridge, can directly diseruput. But for people outside Papua, it is advisable to take out Papeda just a little, given the direct yellow fish sauce, driven and immediately be swallowed without chewing.

Source: Papua Herbal Medicins

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